Stephen Dinsmore | LUX Center for the Arts | Art Gallery, Classes, Summer Camps & Outreach

Endora and Friends by Joseph Cavalieri
East Gallery


Stephen Dinsmore

Stephen Dinsmore

Profile Location
Lincoln , NE
Artist Statement

"When you get it right, a painting has something of the sublime. A vitality that is a marriage of color and light, mystery and joy, longing and beauty."

"I strive to have a painting provide pleasure, mystery and a feeling of uplifted-ness.
For me painting means being always on the lookout for an image/idea that excites.
Sounds straightforward but it's nothing like a straight line. So many things count: the creamy light of late afternoon on landscape; the abstract beauty of marks on the side of a train car; new snow that reshapes all it touches; an interior filled with color and reverie; the riveting beauty of a vase of flowers; a fly fisherman in shadow; a disregarded corner of town; a found image...
I try to make a painting that has in it something of the magic and mystery of the thing; the alchemy; the thing that excites."


Exhibitions Featuring this Artist

7/5/19 to 8/30/19

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