Community Galleries | LUX Center for the Arts | Art Gallery, Classes, Summer Camps & Outreach

Endora and Friends by Joseph Cavalieri
East Gallery


Community Galleries

Community Galleries

The LUX has two community gallery spaces. These spaces provide a wonderful opportunity for emerging local artists, student groups, and guilds to showcase their art in a space that draws the community and art minded individuals. Most shows run for one month, opening the First Friday of the designated month and closing the Saturday before the next month's First Friday. 

The larger of the two spaces is called the “Community Gallery” and is located on the second floor of the main LUX Center building. The smaller of the two spaces is called the “Wake Gallery” and is located in the front room of the Ceramics Center.

Artists are responsible for hanging the show and all other show preparation, including making tags/labels and painting pedestals. Artists are expected to return the gallery to its original form by patching and painting walls when the show is completed. Artists facilitate their own sales so LUX does not take a commission from Community Gallery exhibitions. Donations are appreciated.

These galleries are NOT insured. Broken or damaged work will not be covered through our insurance policy.

If you are interested in having a show in one of these spaces please fill out the form below:

We are currently scheduling community gallery spaces for '25 - '26.

Community Gallery Inquiry Submission Form


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