Urban Lace | LUX Center for the Arts | Art Gallery, Classes, Summer Camps & Outreach

Endora and Friends by Joseph Cavalieri
East Gallery


Urban Lace

Urban Lace

Profile Location
Portland , OR
Artist Statement

Urban Lace specializes in making unique eco-friendly designer jewelry. Our one of a kind jewelry is created from recycled bicycle inner tubes collected from local bike shops. Our goal is to make high quality, high fashion, environmentally friendly products that people love to wear. We create elegant design with the planet in mind.

Inner tubes are not only durable, flexible, and waterproof, they can also be beautiful. Each year thousands of inner tubes are thrown into landfills in the US alone, where they will sit for hundreds of years. Urban Lace is committed to renewing those discarded tubes into wearable art.

Barbi Touron and Aaron Shear are the owners/designers for Urban Lace. Barbi Touron started out in a small garage below her apartment making jewelry for friends in 2006. As more and more people wore her jewelry and word of mouth spread, so did the demand for these unique creations. With orders growing beyond her ability to keep up, Barbi partnered with Aaron Shear and Urban Lace was born. They been working together since September 2011.

Urban Lace Jewelry is handcrafted, each piece is unique and custom made. All our products have been carefully washed and are coated in an organic plant-based formula that Urban Lace has developed, giving each bracelet its lasting luster. This formula allows each piece to retain its soft texture and smooth appearance.

Metal / Jewelry
Mixed Media

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